Doggy Day Care :
Opening Times:
Monday – Friday 7:00am-6:00pm
Here at Pawesome Academy we completely understand that your dog is an important member of your family, and when you enrol your dog in our doggy daycare - they become a part of our family too!
Whether you're a fur-parent who's spending long hours away from home working or you're home all day with your dog & sometimes you both need a break - doggy daycare could be a fantastic addition to your dogs day! Proper socialisation with both other dogs & humans is so important for your dog and we provide that here in a controlled and safe environment under the constant supervision of our incredible trained daycare teachers. We are a daycare owned & operated by professional dog trainers so it is our utmost priority to ensure your dog has positive experiences during their time with us!
Our daycare has three main Adventure Zones:
Although we do occasionally switch rooms up depending on the dogs we have in on the day! Our rooms are filled with fun play equipment for all our pups such as play gyms, ramps, bridges, tunnels, slides, and even a built in mountain & a swimming pool!
Daycare Activities:
We are here to fulfil all your dogs mental and physical needs throughout the day so our dedicated daycare teachers provide them with a number of activities throughout the day such as:
Our activities list is constantly growing as we're always looking for new & exciting ways to engage with & enrich our dogs!
Crates & Pens
All of our daycare rooms are equipped with either crates or pens. We use these for a number of reasons that could all be summed up to say: SAFETY is always our number one
An important part of properly socialising your dog with other dogs is knowing how to be calm and neutral. We LOVE seeing your dogs play & have lots of fun, but an overtired dog can be a bit
like an overtired toddler (scary!!) so rest time is super important to keep adrenaline at a safe level!
We also do a number of group activities that involve food and toys, but just like humans not all dogs like to share (I myself am a bit like Joey from Friends - "JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD") so with
the use of our crates those dogs get to enjoy their enrichment in peace!
Daycare Requirements:
What age can my dog come to daycare?
As long as your puppy has had their first vaccination they are welcome to attend daycare!
Does my dog need to be vaccinated?
Yes, we do require dogs to have had their 3 puppy vaccinations and provide evidence of yearly booster shots or titre testing.
Does my dog need to be desexed?
No! We do not require dogs to be desexed. Females in heat are not permitted to attend daycare,
What do I need to bring with me?
All we require is that your dog comes with both a COLLAR & a LEAD. All dogs must wear a collar in our Adventure Zones for safety, and your dogs lead will be
hanging on their own labelled hook to return to you at pick up!
Bringing your dogs own food is optional. We do provide light snacks throughout the day (please let us know if your dog has any dietary requirements!).
Temperament Checks
We have a process called a 'temperament check' which all dogs must undergo on their first day of daycare. This involves firstly letting your dog into one of our adventure zones by themselves to get used to all the new smells and sounds, then slowly introducing new friends to them one or two at a time. We do this to observe their behaviour and ensure they will feel happy, safe and comfortable in our pack here at Pawesome. We do ask that parents remain available for potential pickup on their first day in case of the event we are unable to integrate them into the pack. We will give you a call at the two hour mark and if your pup has passed they are welcome to stay the full day and come back anytime!
If you would like to have your dog join our Pawesome Academy Family, click on our Portal Login at the top of our website to create an account and join the
Daycare Add-ons
A 50 minute trip to a local beach or park with one of our experienced teachers. We provide high quality long leads to use for your dog to sniff & explore to their hearts content.
Maximum group sizes of 2 large dogs or 3 small dogs.
Single dog: $30
Two dogs (same family): $50
Slat Mills
Have a super high energy dog needing to burn some energy and learn control? Looking for a way to boost your dogs confidence? Focussing on your dogs health/weight management? Our dog powered treadmills (known as slat mills) could be a perfect addition to your dogs daycare day!
Intro session: $20
30 minute session: $45
45 minute session: $55
We also offer professional bath and grooming services at our facility! For your convenience walk in bath appointments are typically accepted for our daycare clients, but grooms are by appointment
Check our Grooming page for a comprehensive list of our services & prices!
Training at Daycare
We have a couple options to incorporate training into your dogs day at daycare including Adventure Walks ( a 50 minute walk n train) and Play n Trains (30 minutes of training spread
throughout your dogs daycare day).
For more information of our complete list of training services please see our Training page.
If you still have any unanswered questions please give us a call on (07) 5606 7544. Our reception hours are between 7-9AM & 3:30-6PM Monday - Friday.
Alternatively you can email us at